I’ve been to a lot of websites that lack basic information about the business and find it disappointing. Even when I am interested in the specific business I am not always motivated to put my questions in an email or contact form. Is that happening to you too?
For example, wouldn’t it be nice to find a restaurant menu online, even as a downloadable PDF? What about catering or made to order businesses? It’s great to see a list of foods available however it is frustrating when there is no price list. There are so many ways to approach online pricing. The business owner can always say volume discounts are available. At least having the single item price tells me whether I want to contact this business or move on to a competitor.
Contacting businesses should be easy too. How do you want to be contacted? I always prefer to pick up the phone but sometimes make the effort to put my thoughts in writing. Please ensure that prospective customers can reach you in the manner that best works for them! But I’m a sole proprietor and don’t want to give out my personal phone number. You don’t have to. Signup for a service like Google Voice! It’s easy and very flexible to use. Your Google Voice number will ring on whatever device you like and has all of the features you expect.
Give this a thought. Make it easy for your prospects and customers to reach you. Above please ensure that your website has sufficient information to maximize the value of your audience engagement.
If you have any questions about this topic, please get in touch with me. I am ready to take your call or email.
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