In a previous article I discussed mobile usability. I would like to further that discussion and expand on mobile optimization. Yes, lengthy pages and cumbersome forms are issues, so is a slow website. People expect pages to render quickly and will not wait. If your site takes too long to load, your visitors will move on to the next website on their interest list.
So you want to ensure that your images are sized properly and their file weight minimized for their purpose. Similarly videos should be hosted remotely so your audience doesn’t have to wait for them to load on a page. If file optimization alone does not work, you should also utilize a Content Delivery Network (CDN) and cache mechanism. Content Management Systems are ideally suited for cache and CDN supplementation. Don’t hesitate to use all of the tools available to you.
The topic of website speed is not limited to the mobile platform. Responsive site optimization is valuable for every audience. If you have questions about your website, or this topic in particular please get in touch with me today.
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